architecture and urban design

contact us


+1 212 627-6940


Our approach recognizes that every project is a close collaboration between architect, client and contractor and we have based our workflow to provide a careful organization of the design process so your project can be completed at the optimal cost and schedule. If you have a project you are considering we recommend getting an architect involved, either with us or another firm of your selection. An architect will allow you to retain the maximum design value through an organized process of design and review which will offer the best opportunity for success.

We offer a free initial meeting to review your site and project goals.
Contact ted kane at (212) 627-6940 or



We can provide Feasibility Studies on your project requirements and schedule to assist in the planning process. Contact us for a example set or further information.


site analysis

We can provide Site analysis including Zoning, FAR, and Preliminary Code Analysis on your project. Contact us for a example set or further information.